black and white bed linen

Support Our Mission

Friends of Anapra is a Christian mission organization dedicated to supporting the Susanna Wesley School in Anapra, Mexico, by fostering education, empowerment, and hope through volunteer efforts and sustainable giving.

Supporting the School with Resources and Service

Friends of Anapra works to ensure that the teachers and facilities of SWS receive the necessary resources to continue to thrive and make a difference with the children of Anapra.

Mission Resources
Join Us in Service

Through mission efforts, financial contributions, and resourcing, Friends of Anapra works closely with Antonio and Dina to efficiently support SWS.

2 Corinthians 9-14 beautifully teaches us that it is our Christian duty to be cheerful givers in thanksgiving to God as we lift up others as we are called with the blessings we have. We are incredibly blessed to live in the United States and have the resources, justice, and freedoms that God has provided for us. The Susanna Wesley School in Anapra, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas, is in a rough part of the world. Join us in supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ who are hard at work living out their faith, as called for in Matthew 5:13-16, to be the salt and light of the world.

Friends of Anapra is humbled to serve as an organizing conduit for your giving to do the most good that we possibly can. Please prayerfully consider a donation in any of the forms described below to contribute in your own loving way, big or small.

Mission Trips

Join us on a mission trip to Anapra and work hand in hand with other brothers and sisters in Christ as you share your talents, labor, and love with those in need.

green plant on brown round coins
green plant on brown round coins
Financial Assistance

Mission work doesn't always involve long trips. Your monetary contributions to Friends of Anapra provide much needed funding for teacher's salaries and school operations at SWS.

assorted pen and colored papers in organizer case
assorted pen and colored papers in organizer case
a cross on a hill with a sunset in the background
a cross on a hill with a sunset in the background

Good at finding things? Help mission leaders find materials to maintain and update school facilities and its education and technology resources.

Prayer Support

Please pray for this mission and for the school's continued success in being the salt and light that is so needed in Anapra.

Securing the Future

Friends of Anapra is growing support for the sustainment of SWS, and a key to that sustainability is a supporting foundation that can serve as a simple conduit for giving. Friends of Anapra is grateful for a partnership with the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (GMCF) of Manhattan, Kansas, which now hosts the "Anapra School Mission Fund" on behalf of the Friends of Anapra organization. This fund provides growth opportunities for our humble endowment and makes donations to the school easier than ever. Your gift today of $100, $1,000, or even $10,000, whatever you can give, builds on this miracle of a school.

The button below links to the GMCF fund donation form. You can easily set up a one-time or recurring donation with the form. Thank you for your support!